Saturday, May 2, 2009

Internet "Pirating"

We've all seen that rediculous commercial before movies... Would you steal an old ladies purse?? Would you rob a liquor store?? Would you hi-jack a car and go on a homocidal rampage?? Than why would would you illigally download music off the internet? Since 1999, internet file sharing sites such as Napster, and Kazaa have been providing ways for people to search, and download their favorite music and movies instantly. In 2000, A&M records and several other companies sued Napster for copy right infringements, and won. Almost every file sharing website since has been enforcing membership fees, to help provide musicians and record labels with their share of the money. Itunes is one of the most popular music downloading sites on the internet, with nearly 2 million songs downloaded daily. There are however, still websites that offer free downloads that have not been sued yet, such as Limewire. Free services such as Limewire make up almost 80% of the downloaded music daily. There are also many controversial arguements of whether file sharing is morally acceptable or not. Technically online pirating is stealing, but in a far less harmless way. The songs that are being downloaded, are coming from someone who bought the CD, and all though it may take away from some sales, it is almost like a form of advertising. Some researchers say that file sharing has helped smaller groups to get noticed, which in turn give them a larger platform, bringing them more money.Many people also do not know that dvd sales have actually risen 10%, and dispite a terrible blockbuster year, the box office was only down 1 %. Whether or not it takes away from the profit artists and record labels should be making, you have to question whether or not they really need it. Weird Al's "Dont Download this Song" takes a humerous, yet serious look at online pirating.


  1. I don't really support illegal downloading of any kind. I am one of those who think like that commercial. I guess my reason for thinking that way is because I think that it is stealing from the music industry or movie industry or whatever it may be. I know that downloading movies, even before they're available on DVD, is very popular. These same people who download these movies won't pay to go see the movie in the theatre or even pay for it on DVD. It's just a selfish way of getting what they want for no money.

  2. In my opinion, online pirating of music is not a really big deal. The music industry makes a ton of money as is and the small amount of money they lose from pirating will not affect them that terrible much. Even though I do not think online pirating is that bad I am still too afraid to do it. I get all of my music from either my friends song library or from itunes. I have heard of the amount of money people get fined for downloading music and I definitely cannot afford that so I go the safe way.

  3. Well i have to say that stealing stuff like music and movies is wrong. I see it as being very selfish for yourself when a person downloads stuff illegally. In all honesty it really doesn't affect the companies as much as people think. Because of the millions of fans for these artists and movies that are in the business get their profit. I just see it as a very minor crime.

  4. I like to pay for the things I get online, and usually try to avoid free downloads unless I know it is safe. I think that if they don't crack down on those stealing movies and music, someday people may learn how to steal bigger things. The theft of a few songs may not hurt a company, but it encourages the thief to continue if they are not caught.

  5. We all have gotten internet music in some point in our lives and I do believe it is never going to stop. I done it before and I didn’t feel that it was wrong but I knew it was wrong. I think in the future online pirating is going to keep going and it won’t stop. The music industry is still making the money and if they weren’t getting the money they would totally knock out lime wire off the internet. I like iTunes but lime wire is fast and easy and feels free but wrong at the same time.

  6. Well , haha... I do it all the time and i dont think its wrong.. Its some profit to the industry and its never going to stop
    The only way to stop this would be, if lime wire and other sofwares are banned, and i am pretty sure that notting of that sort is going to happen....
    I guess, the music industry people should use some kind of a strategy where they can make revenue from these softwares.. I think that would help a lot..

  7. I will admit I do this alot to, but I feel that im just geting a small chunk of the money back that I have and always will invest at the movie theater, or music store. 8.75 for a movie, I say more power to the online pirates.
