Monday, May 11, 2009

Pornography Censorship

At this point in our life we have all experienced sexual imagery of some sort. Some of us have seen some of the powerpoints of people's research projects in class. There was one about a women's role in the media, and another about sexual advertisements in magazines. We have all seen how our culture's sex drive has increased dramatically with the rise of the internet, and advertisements. Coming from a conservative background, i have always appreciated the morals and standards our nation has lived under. There was a time when it was inappropriate for a man and woman to kiss in public, but now sexual references can be found everywhere.

A few weeks ago i was asked to write a research paper on any topic. Not knowing a whole lot about the censorship of pornography i decided to pursue that. After a long week of research, and non-stop typing, the result was a 6 page, 1500 word essay. Here is an excerpt from what i wrote.

"As with all arguments, the pornography debate has two sides, both with very valid points. Generally conservative, people with traditional Americana values argue that our nation's morals are at stake, and they use sexual assault statistics to back up there cause. Their opposition believes that censoring pornography would be unconstitutional, because it is breeching their freedom of speech.
As of now we find ourselves at a stalemate between moral compromise and legal reform. Both sides have presented concrete assertions that are fair and just. One side fights for decency, while the other battles for freedom. In a grudge match between speech and values, it is up to the people to decide how indispensable porn really is. Can our society survive with out sexually explicit content, or will our nation crumble from a slight restriction of speech? Perhaps a comfortable median can be found through filters and firewalls, or even identification systems? The struggle for pornography censorship is long but over and only time will tell if our nation's prudent past will make a come back as a future trend."

In case you guys are further interested, i got a good deal of my information from family safe media and Both sites reveal non-biased information, with some startling facts. I encourage any of you who are intrested in checking them out.

1 comment:

  1. good post. lots of detail. and I would have to say it is amazing how much porn gets by the sencorshiping of tv and movies today. but theres really nothing we can do about it. So I personally say we should just let this one go lol.
