Sunday, March 8, 2009

Online Gaming

In the early to mid 1990's, computer gaming was just beginning to blossom with the addition of games such as warcraft, doom, and Diablo 1 & 2. The idea of linking multiple computers, to play against each other in the same game was just starting to take off. Online multiplayer games were not popular until 2001, when Medal of Honor, and Battlefeild 1942 came out. Thousands of players from across the globe were coming together to compete in virtual warzones of up to 16 people. These early games often provided terrible connectivity, which made the games slow, and even "lag". Over the years, technology has drastically improved the standards, and speed of gaming, and has brought in an even larger crowd. Today, online gaming is dominated by the "MMORPG" genre. Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games, such as World of Warcraft, and Everquest, support gamers in the millions. These games are usuallybased in a fantasy setting, where players take control of one character, and progress them through a leveling system by killing monsters and completing quests. This phenomenon has showed the first signs of a "virtual addiction" the world has ever seen. World of Warcraft has known to cause depression, divorce, and even death! Thats right a 28 year old man in Beijing, China died after playing WOW for 3 days straight. This is not the only instance either. A woman, also from China, was said to have died after 7 days of non-stop gaming. The link below shows a funeral her friends had for her on the game, that was bombarded by a group of her enemies. This video just goes to show how serious online gaming has become, and what can happen when you dont limit yourself from things as harmless as videogames.


  1. The online gaming world is quite amazing to me. I think it is just cool how playing with people that don't even know who you are can sometimes become your best friend. It is strange and kinda geeky. That is a positive, but like you said Beebo the negatives are everywhere. It is too bad some games like this can drive people to keep playing beyond the amount one should. The video did make me laugh really hard.

  2. Doom and Diablo, two of my all time favorite games. I was not much into the online playing because I was never good enough to do it and I never spent that much time playing but they were both still great games.
    Playing a video game so long you die is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. You would think a person would realize they are going to pass out if they do not get food or something to drink. And then, having a funeral on the game the person was playing when they died is even more absurd. I just do not understand how anyone could do that.

  3. Ya its amazing on how we far video games have come just over the last 10 years. From Super Nintendo to XBox 360, who knows what will happen in the next 10 years. All I know is as long as we can keep playing against friends that live in another town or state I will be happy. Good job on the article though, very well written.

  4. I like the online gaming topic Beebo. Online gameing is an example of how far technology has come in the last ten years. Being able to play computer games online or even the XBox Live has advanced gameing to a whole new level. Even enough to give people occupations. That would be a dream job!
